Softball League
The FYSSL standard for legal bats is USA-ASA certified single wall aluminum with a Bat Performance Factor (BPF) of 1.20 or less. Bat Performance Factor measures how fast the ball comes off of the bat. Note, that there is usually a USA/ASA label stamped on the bat for authentication.
Composite, Wood, Multi-Wall, or Steel bats are not approved for use in the FYSSL.
Bats should be free of burs, dents, cracks, sharp edges, rattles, and show no signs of excessive wear.
They must pass the 2 1/4 inch roundness test.
Older bats not on the list or bats where the model cannot be identified will no longer be certified.
We have selectively reduced the approved bat list as shown on the USA-ASA website in order to fit the requirements
of our league. Too see the entire list please access link usasoftball.com
Reiterating , all approved FYSSL bats in our list are only single wall, aluminum bats of BPF 1.20 or less.
Please check the FYSSL approved bat list to make sure the specific bat that you intend to purchase is listed on it.
The list is very long, and therefore, it is recommended that you do not try to print it.
The document is arranged in alphabetical order by the bat manufacturer.
Click on the ASA-USA symbol icon below to upload the FYSSL bat list.
Find the list on this page and then open it to view.
The FYSSL approved bat list is current as of 1/11/21
Recently, the FYSSL Board contacted Jeff Sell, who is the current ASA commissioner of Pennsylvania, in regard to an approved bat list. See Jeff's comment below:
"As far as bats you can go to usasoftballpa.org Click on equipment standards and then bats. That will give you the information you need. My opinion is stay with the standards you have. I think safety should be your main concern."
Courtesy of J. Zupan)